Carve Magazine Issue 210
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A little while ago you may recall that I wrote our ‘Exit’ about winter’s powerful hold on our coldwater souls. Last issue, in fact. Well, I’ve changed my mind now. Call me fickle, but while we did have one spectacular swell this autumn, the dark nights and northerly wind chop have me yearning for warmer climes. I mean, I did like winter, and indeed gave a speech on how cool coldwater surfing was to a puzzled surfing industry a decade or so ago. But now, every time I go down to the beach there are wild swimmers jumping into rips and trying get coldwater shock. And ice cream headaches. What are they about? Wim Hoff may like them, but it’s not for me. No we, well more ‘I’, should be a surfing nomad chasing endless summers! Well, more winter swells with warm water. I’m thinking Indo. Maldives. Barbados. Sunstroke, dehydration, burned calves, wax rash on your inner thighs. Warm water surfing is in! Squeezing lime into reef cuts… Yeah, too far? Anyway, onto this issue and what a start to winter it has been. We have a full gallery from right around the UK and Ireland, plus young Ben Larg charging Scottish slabs, and we interview the winner of our 2021 photo comp. Travelwise we have a chap who toured the coast of Europe by bicycle, a trip to Baja, and the culmination of a seven-year ocean adventure by yacht in search of uncharted islands. We also get the rundown of Bude from one of its ubiquitous locals, Joss Ash, and catch up with Ben Skinner – who got us all staying up late to watch him place second at the mighty Malibu!