Carve Magazine Issue 170

May 25, 2016

‘Ello sausage Welcome to the July issue of Carve. So what have we got for ya you lucky blighters this month? Well now Padawan we’ve got plenty of folk chinwagging. From big wave legend Cotty, longboard hero Ben Skinner, alt-guru Rasta to mini-grom on the rise Stanley Norman. Plenty of different aspects on this deal we call surfing. There’s also a trip to a sublime sandbar with Vincent Duvignac and Gearoid goes to Mozambique and has a bit of a shocker. But then, the trips where shit gets real tend to be the funniest, and most memorable. The end up providing the best pub anecdotes at least. If all that isn’t enough to sate you then there’s a bunch of retro boards to droll over and the usual smattering of world class photography from the globe’s best lensmen #standard.

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