Nine Plus and Hasu Summer Wetsuits

Web: Email: [email protected]

Web: Email: [email protected]

HASU Isamu

Isamu meaning ‘Courage & Bravery’ in the Japanese.
The name derives from the wetsuits high grade and reinforced smooth-skin upper body shell the suit enjoys. Complete wind
and water prevention which works like an armadillo shell against the elements. Less neoprene and more warmth, HASU is the Louis Vuitton of wetsuits. £325



Nineplus Fullsuit

Within business there is a golden rule called the ‘Pareto Rule’,
it deems that nothing in life is 50/50 but instead falls within
80/20 percentages. Nineplus is the 20 percent whilst 80 percent of the world’s wetsuits are produced under one roof, Nineplus takes a different path using Japanese technology. Gimmicks aside, we offer one of the best suits on the market. 4/3mm, 3/2mm and 2/1mm options availabe. 3/2mm: £239


Ladies Catsuit

For 15 years Nineplus has been putting front zips in the ladies wetsuits. Why? Because women are not men and how a suit feels and looks is as important as how it performs. Nineplus makes women look like women and are bringing sexy back. 3/2mm & 4/3mm options. £229