Newsletter Signup

Join the Carve Newsletter and be the first to receive the latest surfing news, gossip, product reviews, surf forecasts, orca shop offers only available to newsletter subscribers and loads more.

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Your details will only be kept by us so you won’t be sent any spam emails from others and we won’t send you stuff your not into.


In order to make sure that you don’t miss out on a single newsletter or emag from CARVE, we would ask that you put the following address ‘[email protected]’ in your email address book, or place it in your ‘safe list’ of email addresses.

Most Internet Service Providers are making every effort to protect their customers from the growing problem of unwanted spam emails. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of email filtering technology, such laudable efforts can result, occasionally, in the blocking of legitimate emails to you, even though you have explicitly requested to receive them.

If you can place [email protected] email address in your email address book, or on a safe or ‘white’ list, your CARVE newsletter should be trouble free.