JS Industries
downthelinesurf.co.uk • 01736 757025 • Down the Line Surf Company, Market Square Arcade, Copperhouse, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4EA • @downthelinesurf
JS Flame Fish
Dims: 5’5″ x 20 3/4″ x 2 7/16″ – 31.5ltr
Fins: Five Fin FCS2
Construction: EPS Carbon Fusion
Shaper: Jason Stevenson
Essentially a follow on from the super popular “Pony” family of JS grovellers, the Flame Fish has a flat rocker and ample volume under chest. A deep single into double concave provides lift, drive through turns and easy rail to rail action. Full rails reduce catching in weak sections.. The ultimate slack wave summer board.
RRP: £699
JS Big Baron
Dims: 6’4″ x 20 3/4″ x 2 3/4″ – 38.7ltr
Fins: Twin fin Futures or FCS2
Construction: PE Carbon Fusion
Shaper: Jason Stevenson
An old school template with a modern bottom contour and twin fin set up lets you surf this board however you like. The flat rocker will get you through the flat sections, while the nose-to-tail vee with double concave through the fins gets you on either rail with ease and makes it more nimble than the board initially looks. The Big Baron excels in knee high to just overhead waves.
RRP: £625