Sarrrrrrrdinia, pronounced with 12 r’s. A beautiful island off the coast of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea. The ‘Hawaii’ of the Mediterranean if you will. A place of infinite wonder and to my liking, amazing waves. Charming locals, great food, all of my favourite things. The one hard thing was the windy roads, but as you’ll see in the video, I came to like those too. A big thankyou to all the local surfers, Roby, Lorenzo, Fabio Mereu and his whole family for hanging with us and showing us an awesome time. Hope this video does it justice!
As always thank you for your support, your views, likes, subs and super thanks really help keep me out there.
Big thanks to friends and family for the feedback you always give me prior to launching vids, my wife, my Mom, Dave Malcolm, Paul Daniels you all rule and would not be where I am without all of you in my life. @dylangraves