After experiencing the devastating loss of his father and best friend, Dan Fischer turned to surfing to cope with his grief and heal through the transformative power of the ocean. After one faithful salt water sessions on January 4, 2022, he decided to throw out an open invitation on social media to others who may be struggling with loss during covid’s very isolating time. He invited them to share the stories and names of loved ones who they’d lost and promised to bring them back to the place that meant so much to them. Dan then wrote all lost ones names on a surfboard and took them for ‘one last surf’. It proved so popular Dan is currently on currently his sixth board which is being finalised in Santa Cruz, but the seventh board is to be made in the UK by Skindog Surfboards after Newquay’s Sam Joyce approached Ben.
Sam says
“A year ago, I lost one of my best friends who died suddenly whilst surfing in Peru. His name is on the 4th board released by the OLWP which brought me and his family and friends a lot of comfort, so I am incredibly excited to be able to give back and offer thousands of others the opportunity to see their loved ones surf a wave. OLWP has also said that we can put my friend on this board so I can surf with him here in the UK.”