O’Neill looking for junior surfers from all over Europe and the UK, between the ages of 12 and 16 to compete and be coached at The Wave by O’Neill team riders.
To enter post your best single wave surf videos tag and follow @oneilleurope (Instagram) or @oneillofficial (TikTok).
– hashtag #RookieRippers.
– email the link of your post to, [email protected]
Make sure to submit your video before the 31st of May 2023.
O’Neill will be selecting the top videos that advance to the final round, where our Team O’Neill riders Beatriz Carvalho and Gui Riberio will choose the winners to surf in a team challenge at Tve Wave!
Once you’re in your team, you’ll be challenged to push your limits with one team will be crowned The Rookie Rippers champions, and the two strongest surfers will win a year’s sponsorship and join Team O’Neill!
– Friday June 30th to Sunday July 2nd, 2023.
– The Wave, Bristol, UK
– WavePool facilities
– Personalized competition jersey
– Accommodation
– Catering
– Athletes
– Staff
– Judges
– Airport transfer
– Prizes & Goodies.
*The Winner must arrange his/her Travel to and from Bristol Airport, the UK to attend this Surf Academy.