Naths last view. This is the wave that done it. Shot by Jason Dreyer who also set up a GoFundMe to help Nath.

On Friday Nath Philips pulled into a bomb down at Porthleven, hit bit of turbulence and it snapped his leg. And not just break, a full 90 degrees sticking out horror. Luckily for him he was surrounded by legends and they soon got him on Levy local Pete Edkins SUP and paddling back to the harbour – nearly a mile away, through a five foot swell. It was a full team effort by the lads and they managed to get him up the slip to wait for an ambulance.

Jamie Kent and Jonathan Davies help Nath up the ramp after nearly a mile paddling on Pete Edkins SUP.

As Nath winged off to Plymouth for a few days stay at NHS’s pleasure his mates realised the break and recovery were going to cause some serious drama. Nath is a self employed roofer (Very good if anyone wants to book him later year!) and has a child on the way in six weeks time. His plans had been to put in some serious graft to pay the rent and expenses in the coming weeks had gone out the window. It’s a case of no work no pay, and six to eight weeks out were going to really hurt. Luckily Porthleven entrepreneur and all round ledge Kelv Batt, and good mate and photog Jason Dreyer had foreseen the possibility of a financial crisis and set up two Gofund me pages. The call was answered, the links went viral and within 12 hours over £5,000 was raised. It’s now over £7,500.

Nath had obviously been very worried about the whole thing, so it was a massive effort by all to dig in and help.

“What an absolute whirlwind of a few days, literally blown away with how kind everyone is. First of all I wanna thank the Levy crew @kelvin_batt for setting up a gofund me also @jasondreyerimages for again setting one up both have had a massive response.’ said Nath,

“This time yesterday I was in a very very dark place with worry anxiety and depression… I guess everything happens for a reason but it just really came at a bad time I’m so grateful for every penny that has been donated. Being self employed if I’m not there I’m not earning. Two years ago I broke my foot and and I was that skint that I had to go to work high on codine and morphine with my boot on up on roofs I didn’t have an option my body was still broken for that two years on.”

“Everyone who was involved in the sea rescue and the comforting on land I know I’ve said this all all before but I’m blown away!!!!”

Nath had previously thanked the crew who rescued him.

“Thanks so much everyone !!! Who helped me get to land. @rkay88 @manonaplanet @jasondreyerimages@benwadei @tom_crowe78 @peter_edkins @duncan.coombs@tommybutts @jannerinnit Dave the paramedic from levy @flexi_hex @surfiejim @skindog_surfboards all the coast guard crew @johnnieboydavies @dai_lawton @leo_joel1 @davedoova @kelvin_batt @martin_mynne I’m sorry if I’ve missed anyone but boys thank you so much for helping me that was scary !!!!”

Nath had previously helped a young grom who’s board burned down on his way to a Cornish holiday. Is Guess this is karma.


Them’s the breaks.

As much as this story is of a horrendous bit of luck and bad break, it is testament to the true spirit of the British surf community so give yourselves a massive pat on the back.

We have said his before, there is nowhere like home. It’s not really picked up on or referred to but as much as there are more people surfing than ever there is still a common link between surf communities from Sennen to Thurso and when the shit hits the fan, a lot of people stand up. It’s incredible to watch.

Nath is in for an op tomorrow so we will see what the damage is and update a recovery time. But in the meantime, this a shout out to the legends who have helped him. Good work all! You should be proud.

You can donate to Naths GoFunds here and here

It all helps.