Photo: @jalilnajafov
The internet has been awash with theories after a monstrous bite mark on a 15 foot great white shark was photographed and documented off the coast of Mexico by filmmaker, explorer and conservationist Jalil Najafov.
It’s left many people wondering how big does the other creature need to be to leave such a horror gash to another already huge great white.
Jalil, as we all should be is passionate about shark conservation as you can see below.
“Sharks keep our oceans in balance, yet the slaughter of the oceans apex predators knows no bounds: Up to 273 million sharks are killed every single year. Sadly, Europe is at the heart of this wild life crime as exporter as well as a transit hub for shark fins.”
“Our EU Citizens Initiative #StopFinningEU has the power to change it all: Let´s stop the shark fin trade now: Your signature as EU Citizen can make it happen. If you are not from Europe, you can help a lot by spreading the word to reach the 1 million signatures by January 31, 2022!” – Jalil Najafov
head to @stopfinningeu Bio or to help put a stop to the shark fin trade.