Perranporths Pegleg Bennett has won gold for Cornwall (I’m sure a bit of England too!) at the Access Surf Hawaii Adaptive Surfing Champs which celebrates the legacy of Duke Kahanamoku’s ‘life and athletic contributions held on the shores of Waikiki to ensure his spirit that continues to live on.’

“It’s a huge deal in the adaptive surfing world. says Peg “ It is the longest running comp and as far as the adaptive surfers are concerned its the world championships.”


“Three of the English adaptive team are out here. I got first. Charlotte Banfield got a second and Spike Kane got third.”

“The Hawaiians are amazing and have invited me over to the North Shore when the Hurricane has passed. It would be rude not to! Stay tuned!”

Next comp is ISA adaptive open in La Jolla California 2nd week of December and then Haliweva.