Inna di caribbean (in the caribbean) – Directed by free surfer / film maker Arthur Bourbon – is a surf movie documenting the winter peregrinations of Arthur through the lesser Antilles Islands. Arthur was born in Guadeloupe (French West indies), he left France mainland last winter to explore this pristine blue archipelago, meet local people and caribbean surf communities, trying to reconnect with his childhood roots. This short movie is an ode to travel. Arthur started his trip from his native island, passing through Dominica, Martinique and St. Lucia, to reach his final destination Barbados.
Dominca is the beginning of the journey. Meet locals surfer Ras and Laurent, part of the WRAD (Wave Rider Alliance of Dominica) and also the mighty James Moses, a rastafari living in the mountain of this beautiful island.
On the rhythm of local music, you will discover the waves and the surfers of this amazing place called the caribbean.
« I travelled for a month with my friend Simon Valdivia (cameraman), taking ferrys to go from an island to another. On our path we had the chance to meet some amazing human being and to find some really good surf. Even if every islands of the caribbean are different, they all have that same strong and interesting culture. People are so laidback and welcoming, everybody was really happy to see us and share a piece of his island. It’s a project i’ve been working on for a long time now, and i’m really glad now to be able to show a bit of the surf culture in the caribbean. » Arthur