When Joan Duru commentated that he had ‘..been surfing a lot of waves like this at Quemao.. ” after getting through his that at perfect Pipe 99% of the worlds population went ‘Huh?” Those European surfers and travellers in the know had a quick ‘lol’ the reason, well this…
El Quemao, often referred to as La Santa Pipe, is a beast of a wave that holds very large Atlantic swells and slabs over shallow lava with an urchin infested end section. But the big question is “How does it compare to the real Pipe?” Well the locals hold a invitation comp called Qeamao Class there every year and this year scored great waves. So with Pipe going all time and Quemao going a solid 8 out of 10 you can judge for yourself.
Video Mirko Zatta and Quameo Class.