Good old El Nino has stirred some much needed life into the Pacific and Hawaii and Cali have been pumping in January. So much so that it’s getting a bit annoying. Especially when looking outside at the Cornish rain and seagulls being blown square into the office windows with a satisfying ‘thwump’ by yet another day of 50mph NW onshores. Still. At least they help clean the windows a bit as they slide off with a very peeved expression on their beaks.

Seems there’s a new way to become famous for 15-minutes as well … with blatant drop ins on say someone like Dane Reynolds, around the 1.30 mark, the case for the defence would point out the sun’s glaring straight in your eyes as you look up the line…

As for the gentlemen’s disagreement between filmer Norwell9 and Dane’s lensman Mini we’ve asked why. We’ll let you know if and when we get a response. In the meantime enjoy some rare raw footage of Dane at home.