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We first became aware of Tom’s work this spring. We liked the colour and composition very much so we though we better catch up with the Brazilian artist and his inspiring work…
My name is…
Tom Veiga. I’m 34 years old, married and have two small children and I live in Garopaba on the southern coast of Brazil.
My passion for waves came…
In 2005. I worked as an art director at a design agency and lived away from the beach, but I always lived with my head in the waves. I began to create wave art in my spare time as a hobby. Just for fun at first but it grew, and I kept developing until I managed to create a style to interpret my waves. I increasingly devoted more and more spare time to drawing my waves until my first exhibitions began to appear and I started my first projects with surf brands. In 2012 I left the agency and went to live art.
I got into wave art because…
God made the sea perfectly, the flat sea is beautiful, the sea by itself is inspiring but when I see a wave coming on the horizon it is as if the sea has smiled at me and it inspires me to reflect these times.
Each wave around the world has a unique feature, big waves, small, high, low, wide, thin, hot, cold, blue, green. There are waves of all shapes. My passion is to be able to reflect most of these characteristics together in each wave with the least possible lines, using only curves and colours. My job is to interpret through my minimalism the characteristics of each wave around the world. That it is my challenge.
If you want to see more of my work…
I have already sent my art to more than 40 countries. It is a great joy because I did not think that my work would get in so many different countries and many places don’t have waves, so my art also brings a bit of the ocean to the homes of passionate surfers.
I have done exhibitions in Brazil where I live as well as Argentina, France, Spain, USA and Japan. And had the opportunity to do some projects with brands like Billabong Europe, Reef and Globe in California and Brazil as well as Havaianas and Mormaii.
I have also done many projects in conjunction with Surfrider and Save the Waves, because I believe that we have the mission as artists to support projects that have a greater purpose than the commercial, like the preservation of our oceans and beaches.
See more at www.facebook.com/TomVeigaSurfart