Watch. It’s pretty epic.
Here’s the story;
Created in partnership with the World Surf League, this story takes us through the mind of the whole surfing community. It shows how we are all connected, intrinsically co-dependent, and tied together for better and for worse.
The film features pro surfers Gabriel Medina, Mick Fanning, Sally Fitzgibbons and Malia Manuel, along with a combination of individuals, who define what surfing is and will be.
No individualism here, no ego, no celebration of one hero.
In surf, as in technology, one cannot reach the next level alone.
Without the people around us, without “We”, without “Us”, “I” is nothing.
Together, we make each other better.
Together, we push, we inspire, we challenge and redefine each other.
We Are Greater Than I.
Thank you to everyone.
Thank you to friends, first sponsors and groupies.
To all the Daniels, the Gustavos and the Jurgens.
To 4-degree waters. To flat days.
To bad boards, cheap boards, kind of boards.
Thank you to Kelly, for making it look too damn easy.
Thank you to the second title.
To 3am. 4am. 5am.
Thank you to the surf fascists and the locals only.
To the surf babes.
To the wild cards.
To those we miss.
Thank you to the haters, the bullies and the trolls.
Thank you to hashtag go Medina, hashtag **** Medina.
To pain.
To paradise.
To heaven, to hell, and everything in between.
Thank you to the pessimists, the non-believers, the party crashers.
To those who push you up or bring you down, thank you all.
Without You, I’m Nothing.