Nixon have taken their legendary Surf Challenge event from the shores of the Basque Country to Norway, Iceland and everyone’s favourite part of the Risk board: Kamchatka. This year they’ve allowed the crew a change from hooded 6mm suits and snow on the ground by venturing to China…

Despite a small swell, the riders managed to make the most of the last two days, scoring beachbreaks in front of a deserted gigantic touristic complex – a huge ghost resort which apparently gets full in the high season (December to March) when Chinese rich tourists want to escape the cold of the mainland. It’s still a bit of a shock to see a beautiful area like this destroyed by such concrete constructions: hotels, huge towers, marinas and yacht clubs…

For more: #NixonSurfChallenge

All photos: Bastien Bonnarme (@bastienbonnarme on IG)