We are very sad to report the death of Bondi legend Magoo (Barry McGuigan, age 85). Magoo came into our lives earlier this year when we saw a film of his life shot be Dean Saffron (see post below). The film went viral. We loved him, you loved him and I dare say everyone else he surfed with loved him too.
He began surfing in 1944 around Bondi and Tamarama and spent his later years on the Central Coast. The Central Coast Malibu Boardriders Club have hosted the Magoo Classic since its inception in 1999 on McGuigan’s 70th birthday.
Magoo was fighting fighting non-Hodgkins lymphoma for the past few years in his own inimitable way. RIP Magoo, what a legend.
This bloke is a legend. 85 still surfing, got an incurable cancer doesn’t let it get him down just raises cash for cancer sufferers less fortunate than himself. It is shot by Dean Saffron for the Byron Bay Surf Festival. Not see the other clips but we say “Give Magoo the bleddy cup already”
Still Swell at 85
The nickname Magoo conjures up images of a well-intentioned but incapable character bumbling through life’s daily adventures, even for those too young to have been exposed to the iconic cartoon. While Barry “Magoo” McGuigan is a lovable spirit, this is where the similarity ends as being Australia’s oldest competitive surfer generates extreme focus.
This short piece explores Magoo’s perception of being involved with surfing since the advent of the sport and the deeply personal ways that surfing has shaped his philosophy to life. Unassuming in nature, Magoo is a man of few words but his message is profound and this inspired the film.
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