Pegleg charging at home. to borrow a line from Blue Juice “One leg, no fear”

Peg is going to Puerto! Thanks to everyone that donated to his justgiving campaign he will be heading there right after competing in the ISA World Adaptive Surf Championships. Peg is pretty stoked.

“I’m blown away by the support. It would seems there are a lot of people wanting to see a one legged guy cartwheel down the face of an Escondido monster!’ He told Carve

“But seriously I have been blown away by the amount of support people have given from sharing the post, donations and good luck messages. It’s a wave that’s been in the bucket list for a while and now with the competition and generosity of everyone I’m going.

“I will arrive in Mexico on the 6th December two days after the World Championships in California. Hopefully it won’t be to big the first couple of days so I can get my head around the place. I’ve been told to expect Supertubos on steroids. The comp is from the 8th till 14th so hopefully we will get a solid swell hit and some nice big barrels.

“Big thank you to everyone that has made this possible, you have made a one legged man very happy!”

Peg would go!


Pegleg Bennett, is a big wave charging amputee from Perranporth, Cornwall. Well known around the world for charging huge waves and then celebrating by making everyone drink vast amounts of alcohol from his specially designed strap on surfing leg, Peg has been invited to the Adaptive Surf League Open at Puerto Escondio in Mexico.

He is representing Surfing England in California at this year’s ISA World Adaptive Surf Championships and can tag on the comp to the trip if he can raise enough cash to get down there – £1,000. Peg isn’t exactly a man dripping in wealth or sponsors. But he has the ability and balls to throw himself over big ledges. We think ‘Peg would go’, if he got the opportunity.

PointBreak Peg.

Pegleg finished fifth in last years adaptive champs, and carried the Olympic Torch when it passed through Britain. You may also remember he drove to the Artic Circle in his van for a winter break.

A Gofundme page has been set up to try and raise £1000 to get him there, which surely has to be doable?

If you want to see Peg charge Puerto click here.

If you want to sponsor Peg get in touch – [email protected]