This just in from London. Carve reader Will Robertson sent in this pic of a Sri Lanka tourist board ad which is all over London underground.
“It’s been a while since I last surfed A Bay, but judging from this poster on the wall of the London tube the reef must have shifted and it’s got a lot more square. And Fanning’s doing a good job of surfing it switch too.
It’s definitely a “different kind of surf” – quite literally.
Oh how lazy ad people can miss some fundamentals – thought I would share the love.”
Not sure what is more annoying. Using a wave from a totally different ocean as A Bay (A Bay is actually very fun in its own right). The sacrilege of putting Mick the wrong way round. Or the irony that we actually emailed Sri Lanka tourist board to offer a bit of help before Christmas and they ignored our emails.
If you want a campaign done right, maybe hire surfing art director?