After a week where the forecast flip-flopped from eight-foot offshore Fistral bombs to total slop come last weekend it ended more the sloppy end of the pitch. So the call was made to move to the English Nationals to the shelter of Tolcarne and considering it’s one of the UK’s leading closeouts it wasn’t actually too bad. Very contestable conditions. Congrats to all the crew that went big. The Men’s and Women’s Open finalists earn a spot in the team to go up to Scotland in April (fingers crossed) for the British where the squad for the ISA World Games will be decided. This is the last chance for an Olympic spot for a lot of keen crew from the non-surfing superpowers.
All photos (loads more below the results): Sharpy.
An interview with Jeremiah… By Sharpy. To enter the competition hit our IG @carvemag
How did you get into surf photography?
My first introduction to surf photography was in 1998 from my good friend, Mike Stonis, who had a water-housing. I was hooked after the first time we picked up the film from the photo lab and saw these moments in time imprinted on 35mm slides. That inspired me to save my money and buy my own camera with a fisheye in a water housing. My passion changed from trying to ride perfect waves to shooting perfect waves with this little light-capturing machine.
What was your first camera?
My first camera was a Canon EOS 630 that shot four frames a second. I used it in a water-housing with a fisheye lens. It was hard to get good images from the water back in the day because we only had 36 frames before we had to swim in and change out the roll. With the magazines so competitive to feature the best images, this forced us to be picky and only shoot in the bests conditions with the best light. Digital changed everything because it allowed us to experiment on the average days and shoot all day from the water on the good days with our only limitation being dehydration or cramping muscles.
What was your first published photo?
My first published photo was a team shot for a local surf shop published in Bodyboarding Magazine in 1999. At the time, I didn’t understand light or composition or how to use a camera, so looking back, it is incredible that we produced a usable shot for the ad. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Which photographers inspired you in the early days?
Chris Van Lennep, Scott Aichner, Jeff Flindt and Tim Jones were the guys getting the craziest angles from the water and pushing the limits in big tubes which inspired me. It wasn’t until later in my photography journey that I realized there was more to surf photography than just big fisheye barrels. Scott Winer and Larry Moore taught me how to be professionally minded and how to capture technically perfect images. Steve Sherman showed me how to tell a story with pictures and introduced me to the artist side of photography.
Who’s your favourite surfer to shoot?
That’s not an easy answer because I love shooting different surfers for different reasons. John John Florence and Dane Reynolds always impressed me because you never knew what they were going to do. Usually, you can tell what a surfer was going to do by looking at the wave they were on, but these two were so good that if you didn’t start shooting them after their bottom turn, you could miss something special. Currently, it’s been a joy to shoot with Bryce Young because he’s so photogenic in any condition or board he’s riding. Cam Richards is also on the top of the list because of his work ethic and x-factor in consistently getting the best wave or manoeuvre of the trip.
Location wise where’s your favourite area to shoot?
Mexico is my favourite place to shoot because it is so close to home for quality waves, and I’m a sucker for a good street taco.
Where would you love to shoot that you haven’t ticked off yet?
Fiji has always been on my bucket list to shoot. Clean blue water and perfect left tubes sound like a good time.
Do you think the arms race with digital cameras is all but done?
We’ve peaked with what the DSLR is capable of capturing in my humble opinion but believe the next wave of photography tools will find innovation in the mirrorless format and sensor tech. I can’t wait for cameras with the image quality of a medium format sensor, the speed and autofocus of the fastest full-frame camera and the weight of a mirrorless body all with an unlimited image buffer and all-day battery life. But at the end of the day, an excellent image resonates more because of its timing, composition and light elements rather than what camera was used to capture it.
Do you still shoot film or are you hundred percent digital?
I shoot 90% digital because most of my clients want a digital file quickly, but film still has a warm place in my heart. The control and quality of digital is amazing, but there is something special about film that slows me down and makes me think a little more before the shutter is pressed. It has been great working with the team at Vissla who still appreciate the look, feel and texture that film gives.
Was it tricky figuring out which shots you wanted to use on the T-shirt range?
Figuring out which images to use was the hardest part of this project for me. There are about 20 years of images in my archive, so narrowing it down to a handful of images was quite daunting. In the end, they were given 44 images, and that was narrowed down to four where three were made into T-shirts. It was such an honour to see the final selects printed on wearable fabric.
What’s next in surf photography?
The future of surf photography is looking bright because it will keep getting easier to capture high-quality images, but the downside is it will be harder to make a living doing it. There has never been a more creative time to shoot surf than today because the camera technology has broken so many limitations found in the past. Quality cameras are cheaper and smaller than ever before with memory cards that never fill up, sensors that work in the dark and drones that open up angles from the sky. Because there are more cameras pointed at the surf, it is forcing the creative cream to rise to the top. The photographer who understands composition and light will always be celebrated, and I love seeing social media artists pushing the limits of personal expression. I believe the next wave of successful surf photographers will be focused on telling impactful surf stories with a fine art flair.
The 2019 English National Adaptive Surfing Open has crowned its champions for 2019. Well, what an epic weekend we had down in Fistral Beach, Newquay. The event has grown exponentially since last year & we’re so stoked to let you know how we got on!
Since last year, the competition over doubled in size with 45 entries across 6 divisions. We had adventurous surfers travelling from over 10 countries to compete including Hawaii, South Africa & Australia! We had over 50 volunteers learning key skills on Adaptive Surfing over the weekend. Oh, & whilst the rest of the country basked in glorious sunshine on Saturday, we battled some heavy sea mist – it wouldn’t be an English Surfing Competition without some challenges would it?!
Saturday morning started with our Adaptive Surfing Workshop, led by Surfability UK CIC. Over 40 surf coaches & volunteers came together to equip themselves with knowledge on Adaptive Surfing. Surfing England strive to increase the opportunities for every person no matter what their disability to access the therapeutic properties of the ocean that we all enjoy. We also had loads of surfers turn up to see what we were up to, get involved & give real perspectives on what its like to be a part of the Adaptive Surfing Global Family.
The afternoon saw the official Aloha Welcome for competitors & the opportunity to jump in the water for a free surf. This enabled the volunteers to put their newly learnt skills straight into practise & for some of the surfers to get their first taste of Cornish waters! As the sun finally showed itself, we wrapped up day one & headed to Fistral Beach Bar for a refreshing pint of Korev. A true Cornish welcome!
Sunday saw the pace ramp up as surfers arrived for 08.15am check in, first heat set to roll at 9am. There was a definite competitive energy in the air as global rivals prepared to battle each other in the surf for those much sought after titles! The surf may have been small, but the surfers sure made the best of it & back to back heats ran all day long.
The commitment shown by athletes across the weekend was evident as Spike Kane surfed his death or glory ride onto dry sand in front of an ecstatic crowd. An emotionally charged high tide series of finals ended with Charlotte Banfield claiming the hearts of the crowd as she surfed her final wave and took the win of the Women’s Open.
Jaws dropped in awe all over Fistral Beach as perspectives of disability were challenged as the general public witnessed what some would assume impossible. It truly is all about how you can adapt a sport.
Event commentator Martin Reay kept the athletes informed & beach updated on action on Sunday really got to grips with the event & summarises his feelings as “watching these athletes perform makes you reflect on whether the barriers you think are holding you back actually exist at all”.
Surfing England Director Phil Williams who spent the weekend on the beach volunteering with us summarised his experience “the camaraderie, the smiles and the atmosphere amongst the surfers and volunteers made it a very special day. Add to that the incredible skills, bravery and effort put in by competitors made it the most awesome event”.
This truly has been the most phenomenal weekend.
Results are as follows and more pics if you keep on scrolling:
Women’s Open:
1. Charlotte Banfield 2. Melissa Reid 3. October Hamlyn-Wright 4. Darian Haynes Men’s Open:
1. Benoit Moreau 2. Pegleg Bennett 3. Spike Kane 4. Miloslav Brzak
1. Martin Pollock 2. Katell Ropert
1. Bruno Hansen 2. Spike Kane 3. Daniel Nel 4. Ethan Jolosa
1. Mark Mono Stewart 2. Llywelyn Sponge Williams 3. Laurent Marouf 4. Martin Pollock
1. Benoit Moreau 2. Klang Adi 3. Pegleg Bennett 4. Dana Cummings
Additional Awards as follow:
Most Stoked Surfer: Darian Hayes
Highest Single Wave: Mark Mono Stewart
Best Manoeuvre: Spike Kane
Volunteer of the event: Rob Stewart
Most Inspirational Surfer: Martin Pollock
A huge thank you to The Wave for enabling us to run the event & Surfability UK CIC for leading the training & volunteer team all weekend. A further thank you to the events team, the media team & finally to the incredible surfers who travelled from all over the world to be with us!
Thanks to Fistral Beach for hosting us & Fistral Beach Bar for keeping us entertained in the evenings. Korev for re-hydrating us with a cold beer. Also to The Wave Project & Surfers Against Sewage for joining us & sharing with the wider community your work. Further thanks to Stance who were onsite keeping us cool with ice-creams & perpetuating the stoke with giveaways of the coolest socks around.
Vans have launched their new Ultra HiMTE series. It is water proof so ideal for surfers or skaters, especially in the British winter!
The Vans UltraRange Hi MTE is a versatile shoe with additions designed for the elements. Featuring a brand new UltraCush Lite midsole compound offering the ultimate in comfort and cushioning, plus a sock-fit bootie construction with seamless internals to reduce weight, rubbing, and hotspots.
Available from
We have pair to giveaway. Just enter your details below including shoe size*
*prize style and colour may vary due to stocks and sizes.
**This competition has now finished and the winner has been notified. Keep an eye out for more comps in the future**
Built smart and built tough, the NIXON Mission SS is the worlds first action sport smart watch. It can withstand the elements so you can take it with you anywhere: in the water, on the hill, off road and beyond.
Powered by Android Wear™ and working hand in hand with Surfline the Mission is equipped with a preloaded app and streamlines real-time surf and snow shred alerts to your wrist, so you’ll never-not-know. Welcome to the next generation of smartwatch. Welcome The Mission.
It is £389 and we have one to giveaway, all you have to do it is enter the comp by entering your details below. Good luck!
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C Skins have a long pedigree of making quality wetsuits at great prices. The ReWired chest zip hits the shelves at £250 and takes the DNA from the proven Wired and morphs it into a high performance, cold water, comp-level suit. 100 percent Xtend neoprene offers free flowing movement for technical moves, while the Dryknit thermal-lined lumbar panel keeps your core warm between sets. An improved minimal panel layout, a lightweight thermal chest lining and new Xtend 2 Fusion Isolation 100 percent taped seams compels the suit.
To win just enter your email below. Closing date is 15 November