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Surf Snowdonia has reopened it doors after a £1 million refit. The world’s first operational Wavegarden had to close for the winter eight weeks early in October due to mechanical faults. The wave was booked at an average of 97 percent occupancy during its first operational season. The attraction has also added a “Crash and Splash” obstacle course and a water based catapult called “Blob” !
The 2016 Welsh Junior Squad got the ball rolling under the watchful eye of Jo Dennison (Current Welsh Women’s champion and Head of Surf Snowdonia’s Surf Academy) . The groms all made the most of the new Wipeout Assault Course.
Roving wild haired mini reporter Jo Morris was there…
How did you rate the wave?
It was such a great wave, really fun and fast.
Had they made any changes to it since last year?
I was one of the unlucky ones that it broke the day me and Stan (Norman) were going to surf it so we never got the chance. It looks amazing though and Jo (Dennison) said they have been testing and training on it ready to open this year.
How did you rate it for a training wave?
It takes a wave or two to get used to it but you have the same wave everytime so to prefect a turn, an hour session would be perfect. Jo told us to stay by the wall and really paddle to get the wave, and then we were off.
How long did you have on it?
There were lots of us there and we only had the morning so we had a few waves each.
Did you go on the other stuff? Was it fun?
In the afternoon we got to try their wipe out assault course which was so good and great team building. They have another inflatable attraction but it wasn’t quite ready so will definitely go on that next time. We also had a hard but good fitness session by Coaches Gwen, Sam and Bangor university students in the afternoon.
How cold was it? Was it colder than the sea?
It is North Wales, so the air was cold but the pool temp was the same as the sea now really.
Would you go again?
I would love to go up for the weekend, when we have one of our flat spells to use all the attractions, a wave pool session and visit the famous zip wire attraction down the road on the way home!! It would be a great stop off on the way home from a surf trip to Thurso or somewhere up North also.