Jim Banks
downthelinesurf.co.uk • 01736 757025 • Down the Line Surf Company, Market Square Arcade, Copperhouse, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4EA • @downthelinesurf

Jim Banks Revolution
Dims: 5’10 x 20 1/4 x 2 9/16 – 31.5L
Fins: Twin Fin
Construction: EPS Volcanic Basalt
Shaper: Jim Banks
The Revolution has taken the crown as Jim’s fastest board ever and it’s pretty much the only board you need. If you want to surf aggressively with lots of drive in fast powerful waves, no problem. If you prefer to take it easy and cruise for miles, the Revolution does this too. It features Jim’s revolutionary Future Form contour which to oversimplify is a seamless combination of vee and double concave, where the vee puts the stringer above the rail line and rolls down into the concaves. Avaliable in perfomance and everyday dims, especially tweaked for the UK waters.
RRP: £799