The Environment Agency (EA) has told water and sewerage companies that they may be allowed to discharge effluent that has not been properly treated due to chemical shortages caused by Brexit and the pandemic.

It said some of the firms may not be able to comply with the conditions because of chemical shortages caused by Brexit, coronavirus or other “unavoidable supply chain failures”. Or as any sane person calls them “avoidable supply chain failures’

Water companies may be allowed to discharge the effluent without meeting the conditions and this would apply until the end of the year “unless we extend it”. said the EA

Companies must prioritise chemical treatment for effluent discharges “which have the greatest potential to cause environmental harm”. and get in touch with the EA two weeks befor ethey run out of them.

A British government spokesperson lied, “This action is strictly time-limited and there are robust conditions in place to mitigate risks to the environment. The most sensitive and high-risk watercourses will not be affected and any company planning to make use of this short-term measure must first agree its use with the Environment Agency, which will be checking compliance.”

Yeah right!