Last years winning shot by Cristina Freeth
We are extremely proud of our British, Irish surfers and photographers here at Carve. They capture once in a lifetime moments of offshore perfection, groomed lines and those priceless moments of stoke that enrich our lives. In honour of this we are running the fourth Carve Surf Photo Competition.
The finalists will have their shots printed in Carve 209 and we will be picking the best photos to be printed in a full feature.
We will be annoucing all the entry details and prizes in the next week or so online and through our socials.
Have your cameras/shots at the ready, we can’t wait to see your creative work.
Team Carve.
Below: Money Trees, making it rain. Grajagan, Indonesia Photo: Myles McGuinness
Got to run these because law. – No cash alternatives to the prize. By entering you agree to allow Carve (Orca Publications) using your photo in the mag and online (You will be credited or tagged when we do). No one else will use your photo. We will contact those in the final selection directly. We can’t answer all messages or emails so bear with us.