This awful Pandemic has taught me a few things, I don’t need loads of loo roll, I brought 4 last week, I still have 3. All that stuff I have, is just stuff, it doesn’t really matter, it’s just random stuff, some very random indeed.

Life should be about spreading good vibes, whatever you do, there’s enough negative stuff going around right now, it doesn’t matter where you live, how much you earn or what you look like, we definitely can’t ‘influence’ our way out of this one.

So in the spirit of spreading good vibes check out this delightful documentary and the stoke that can be found wherever you live, whatever you do, spread those good vibes.

One more thing, that hideous can of hot dog sausages that have been sitting in my cupboard for two years were actually quite a high point of the week, who knew. Stay safe people, spread good vibes, nothing else, wash your hands and stay home, for now anyway.