South coast surfers have paddled out in memory of Chris James on Sunday, to commemorate 31st birthday this week.
Chris tragically took his own life in May.
160 people gathered on the beach on Sunday, and 90 paddled out. The event raised money for mental health charity CALM – the Campaign Against Living Miserably. More than £9,209 has been raised so far.
Joel Whitmore, a close friend of Chris’ said he was “really pleased with the turnout”. We’re raising awareness of mental health and how to avoid something like this happening again. If you can’t spot somebody here who you can’t turn around and talk to if you feel you need to, then we as a surfing community aren’t doing our job properly.”
The group are aiming to raise £10,000 in Chris memory and they are only a couple of hundred quid off. You can donate here if you wish
Good work everyone.
RIP Chris.