We wanted to experience Spain. Like, really experience Spain, in all of its glory. So with the help of long time team rider and local skater Javier Mendizabal, we planned a trip. Then we rallied a crew – Snowboarders Bryan Fox, Austen Sweetin and Mathieu Crepel. Surfers Mikey February and Natxo Gonzalez and skater Zach Miller. And then we went.
From post-surf pintxos in San Sebastian to sleepless nights spent in the streets of Barcelona, everything was better than we could have imagined.
It was cultural, chaotic and everything in between. And it was all motivated by a passion for boardriding. We spent two weeks there and you can join us on our journey in the clip above.
Once the credits have rolled, dig through our travel guide and trace some of our steps, then start planning your own Radical Time in Spain. See more here…