I remember the first time that I came here, I stepped off the plane and I immediately felt that blanket of warmth and humidity.’ says Yannick Dejager “I’ve been coming here a lot of over the years now and although these days the crowds on some spots are as thick as the tropical air, it’s still one of my favourite places to go to.
This trip was no exception, the food, the waves and the culture mixed in with that magic smell of Indonesia, it will always be hard to beat to leave this option out when planning your next trip.”
Laura Crane
“I love this place so much that I decided to move here. Surfing and hanging out with Yannick is always good fun, I was stoked that we were able to shoot the real Bali, the Bali that I love so much.”
Dutch KLM are now taking surfboards on board free of charge on international flights. #KLM #takeyourboardasabag A boardbag can now be taken on board instead of a bag, if you are flying internationally that means no extra fee is charged; https://surf.klm.com/#!/surfgearonboard”