Specifications: 7’8" x 22 1/2" x 2 3/4" Fins: Single Box with side fins Shaper: Markie Lascelles
A longboard shape with the middle cut out makes for a far more maneouvrable board. Gets you through the slop on a bad day, but with its chimed out nose will nose ride great! Nose ride, carve, slide or snap it’s up to you!
Cord Surfboards
The Classic
Specifications: 9’4" x 23" x 3" Blue and grey Resin Tint Fins: Single Fin (Box or Fixed) Shaper: Markie Lascelles
Like the Cord originals in 1965 the wide point is further down the board creating a small hip and a slightly narrower nose. Will still nose ride all day long, as nose riding is as much about the back of the board as the front, so the hip will grip to the wave when needed, or become a pivot point for back foot surfing. Great all rounder.
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